FM Recruitment comments on what happens now and what's next.
In a perfect storm of pandemic fallout, Brexit bureaucracy and shifting candidate demands, the global economy is undergoing a significant transformation. Over the past year, businesses have had to take drastic measures to survive, whilst accelerating their creativity to provide long-term confidence to strengthen recovery and secure growth prospects.
The role of financial leaders in navigating businesses through these unprecedented times has been propelled into the spotlight but as the hospitality industry re-opens, we’re seeing a shortage of quality, available candidates who are committed to joining the industry.
A decline in confidence of job security or talent deciding to return to their home countries, remain in their roles or move in to other industries, have all been cited as reasons. Hospitality businesses are also having to adapt to shifting demands from their employees and candidates, with expectations for increased flexibility, which in certain instances doesn’t align with existing structures.
With emerging talent, undergraduates are also reconsidering their options, often tempted into continuing their studies or shifting towards other industries with seemingly more secure prospects.
Never has it been more important to guide and nurture those who are showing interest in the hospitality industry. Whilst there remains a number of challenges, there are encouraging initiatives across the sector to invest in training, development and wellbeing to attract and retain talent.
As active members of HOSPA, Chris and Andrea at FM Recruitment dedicate themselves to mentoring talent as they progress through their careers. Developing hospitality at the grass-roots level, through initiatives with Springboard and as mentors with GEMS and The Princes Trust, the team at FM Recruitment are committed to supporting future industry leaders to help ensure a strong pipeline of talent choosing to join the hospitality industry.
In a constantly evolving situation, their guiding hand helps businesses and candidates to navigate the post-pandemic marketplace and showcases the opportunities of an exciting career in Finance and IT, in the dynamic international hospitality industry.
For support with your next career move or to improve your recruitment strategy, please contact FM Recruitment now using any of the below details:
Office +44 20 8600 1160 I Email fm@fmrecruitment.co.uk
Chris Denison Smith +44 7775 711923 I Email chrisdenisonsmith@fmrecruitment.co.uk Andrea Shaw +44 7714 236469 I Email andreashaw@fmrecruitment.co.uk