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Cool weather and Euros boost restaurant groups' delivery sales in June


Britain’s leading managed restaurant groups have recorded the strongest growth in delivery sales since the end of COVID-19 restrictions,CGA by NIQ’s latest Hospitality at Home Tracker reveals.

 The exclusive monitor shows like-for-like delivery sales in June were 17.1% up on the same month in 2023. It is the second month of double-digit growth in a row, after an 11.3% increase in May.

The strong run of trading comes in a summer of widespread cool and damp weather across much of Britain, which has prompted some consumers to have food delivered to their homes instead of going out. Restaurants' at-home sales have also been boosted by the Euro 24 football tournament, with the evening timing of games ideal for ordering in meals.

CGA by NIQ’sHospitality at Home Tracker reveals weaker trends in restaurants’ takeaway and click-and-collect sales, which were down year-on-year by 1.1% in June. It continues consumers’ long-term shift away from pick-ups in favour of delivery to the door.

Combined deliveries, takeaways and click-and-collect sales were 9.7% up on June 2023—a 13th consecutive month of growth and more than four times Britain’s current rate of inflation. Deliveries accounted for 11.2 pence in every pound spent with restaurants in June, while takeaways attracted 4.4 pence.

Karl Chessell, director at CGA, said: “After soaring during COVID and slipping after the end of restrictions, restaurants’ delivery sales are now riding a new wave of strong growth. With the weather and Euros keeping so many consumers indoors, it’s a good environment for at-home sales and an encouraging indicator of spending confidence. As takeaway sales continue their downward trajectory we also have confirmation of how third-parties now dominate the delivery market, and all restaurant groups will need to continue managing their relationships with these platforms very carefully.”


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