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HOSPA Revenue Management Programme takes off

It is now almost two years ago that we received the funding from the Savoy Educational Trust to enable HOSPA to develop and launch the Education and Training Programme in Revenue Management. This September we are finally now able to offer all three stages of the programme, with the learners who joined us last September on Stage 1, forming the first intake for the final stage.

Our thanks to all our supporters, in particular the Savoy Educational Trust, our friends at Oxford Brookes University and of course all those companies who have supported us and provided feedback through the early stages of the programme. We will shortly be making available a range of open access learning materials on revenue management, providing a one stop resource for learning more about the fundamentals of this important discipline.

Congratulations to all our learners who successfully passed the last set of HOSPA examinations in Revenue Management and Financial Management held in July - the full pass list can be found on page 15 of the October edition of The Overview. For more information about all courses and enrolment for the next intake in February 2013 contact Jane Scott, the programmes coordinator at


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