It’s been a funny old month for everyone's nerves, what with the Queen dying and the Pound following shortly afterwards, but there have been signs of hope ahead, with the confirmation that there will be six months’ support for energy bills.
With that worry parked for the moment, the sector has been getting out and about and getting its conference on, reminding us that good things happen when we leave Zoom and we can see the backs of other people’s heads. We’ve learned that using technology to cut staff isn’t many companies’ first reason to automate - they find the service better. And that people are hiring on personality, not skills, and finding that successful.
Here at HOSPA we’re looking forward to our own chance to learn and gossip and trade trends on 17 November at HOSPACE. Once again we will be at the Royal Lancaster London.
I’ll be chairing a panel chatting to key sector CEOs about issues affecting the sector and how they are dealing with them and there’s plenty of other brain-picking.
Sustainability will also be central at this year’s conference, spearheaded by HOSPA’s sustainability expert, Sarah Duncan, who will lead a discussion with hotel operators who have all successfully navigated the various paths to achieving a more sustainable business approach.
There are some complimentary delegate tickets still available for senior operators, and if you are based overseas then there is an opportunity to join remotely too. To register for HOSPACE 2022, please visit: https://www.hospa. org/hospace-tickets, if you are not already a member, there is (of course) an opportunity to join.
More information on HOSPACE and its programme can be found via https://www.hospace.org, while https://www.hospa.org provides more information on HOSPA’s wider offering.